Using First Order Logic to Query Heterogeneous Internet Data Sources : Published and Selected "Best Paper" at SCSE 2015 Conference .
TriggerWare™ Correlator: A Virtual Database Paradigm for Collaborative Internet Search
A Virtual Database Realization of the Semantic Web
From the World Wide Web (WWW) to the World Wide Data Base (WWDB)
Triggerware: Making Wise Decisions in an Ever-Changing World
FLEA Overview
License Manager Example of Monitoring Using the FLEA Language
Specific examples of FLEA Language features:
The Search & Notify: Customizable Personal Notification Service for Search Engine Results
Survey Analysis of Levels I, II, III Attack Attribution Techniques
Attack Attribution In Non-Cooperative Networks
STARdeck Project Briefing
MANAnet Shield: A Comprehensive Defense Against DDoS Attacks
Defending Government Network Infrastructure Against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Towards A More Secure and Robust Internet
Changes to IP to Eliminate Source Forgery
A Fair Service Approach to Defending Against Packet Flooding Attacks
The Reverse FireWall®: Defeating DDoS Attacks Emanating from a Local Area Network
The Collabrium: Group Collaboration over the Internet